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ID: 4720

The relationship between HCW surface contacts, care type and

hand hygiene: An observational study in a single-bed hospital ward

Marco-Felipe King


, Catherine Noakes


, Andrew Sleigh


, Sue Bale



Liz Waters




University of Leeds,


Aneurin Bevan UHN


Hand hygiene is considered to be one of the major tenets

in infection control strategies. However, little is really knowabout how

care type effects compliance.


This study quantifies relationships between hand

hygiene and the frequency with which healthcare workers (HCWs)

touch surfaces in patient rooms for different care types. Surface

contacts patterns are quantified to determine patterns.


Surface contact order and hand hygiene likelihood were

recorded in an NHS single-bed UK hospital ward for six care types.


Surface contacts often formed representative non-random

patterns, but hygiene before or after patient contact depends

significantly on care-type (p = 0.001). Hygiene likelihood correlated

with the number of surface contacts (CI 1.1

5.8, p = 0.002) but not time

spent in the room.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

This highlights that a potential

subconscious need for hand hygiene may have developed in HCWs,

which may support and help focus future hygiene education


ID: 4767

One Health approach to antibiotic stewardship education Eden

AMR session 2016

Neil Powell


, Lee Evans




Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust,



Partnership Foundation Trust


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global threat

requiring collaboration across the healthcare community.


To develop a one day conference delivered by

speakers representing animal, human and environmental aspects of

antimicrobial resistance to professionals in Cornwall.


The following programme was delivered;

The epidemiology of AMR

The AMR drivers in livestock and farming

The AMR drivers in humans

The AMR drivers in the environment,

AMR infection case studies

NHS England strategy,

The audience represented nine sectors with sessions delivered

by representatives from five different professional backgrounds;

Consultant Epidemiologist of Public Health England Veterinary

Surgeon, two Medical Microbiologists, Environmental Microbiologist,



The day met the expectations of the diverse audience, with

participants reporting that the following knowledge learnt from the

conference will inform future practice (number or responses in

brackets); the website resources sign posted e.g. PHE Fingertips (14),

to become and promote Antibiotic Guardian (5), the risk of foreign

hospitalisation on CPE carriage (4), infection control key to tackling

AMR (4), the threat of CPE on health security (4), implementation of

the CPE toolkit (2), importance of screening patients (2), review

antibiotics by 72 hours (2).

Participants enjoyed; diversity of speakers (18), the broad and global

overview of current AMR (13), environmental dimensions of AMR (9),

farming and vets approach to tackling AMR/antibiotic stewardship

(9), human travel and the spread of resistance (8), the complexity of

AMR (5).

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

The complexity of AMR was

successfully delivered by a range of AMR specialists simultaneously

to a wide range of professionals.

ID: 4790

Hospital design and IPC: A UK-India collaboration

Teresa Inkster


, Christine Peters


, Peter Hoffman




Queen Elizabeth

University Hospital, Glasgow,


Queen Elizabeth University Hospital



Public Health England


In March 2016 three Infection Control professionals from

the UK travelled to Mumbai to participate in a workshop on design for

Infection Control and Prevention, organised by the British Deputy High



We describe our input to theworkshop and visits

to three local hospitals where we engaged with local infection control



We toured outpatient clinics, ICUs, operating theatres, and

a sterile supplies department. We discussed the challenges they face

e.g. MDR/XDR tuberculosis and multi/pan drug resistant Gram

negative organisms, both still rare in the UK as well as control

measures important in the prevention of antimicrobial resistance and

transmission of micro-organisms; decontamination of the environ-

ment and equipment, hand hygiene, antimicrobial stewardship,

surveillance, diagnostics and specialist ventilation.


Participating in the workshop enabled us to share our

experience of the built environment and hospital design. We each

presented talks on ventilation, water damage and the built environ-

ment in intensive care. Lots of discussion and debate took place

between delegates at the workshop with regards to hospital

ventilation issues and options for water control in hospitals.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Our visit was the start of an exciting

collaboration between India and the UK in relation to design for

infection prevention and control. Funding for future research is

available from a number of sources and opportunities exist for

international exchange programmes and fellowships.

ID: 4810

Finnish infection control nurses

educational needs

Tarja Kuutamo


, Maija Hupli




Hospital District of Helsinki and

Uusimaa, HUS, Unit of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology,


Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku


Infection control nurses play a key role in effective

infection control and prevention practices. However, according to

previous studies, infection control nurses

educational needs are

poorly defined. The purpose of this study was to describe the Finnish

infection control nurses

educational needs. The research question

was: What kind of educational needs do infection control nurses have?


The informants in this study were Finnish infection

control nurses (n = 148) and the response was 66.9%. The data were

collected using electronic questionnaires in summer of 2011. The data

were analyzed using the inductive content analysis. Two categories

were formed as a result of analysis to describe infection control nurses

educational needs. The formed categories were professional education

and education that supports executing assignments.


Infection control nurses described that they need a wide

educational background that is made especially for them. Nurse-

education is a good foundation for the job although some nurses

remarked, that education in the university gives a better starting point

to understand or write scientific publications. Educating staff is an

important part of infection control nurses job, but they rarely have any

formal education to do that. Human resource management, informa-

tion management, project management and pedagogic competence

are important skills for them.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Infection control nurses


should contain substance knowledge and skills that would support the

best performance. Infection control nurses

education should be at

university, which would also give the opportunity to use clinical


s tittle.

Abstracts of FIS/HIS 2016

Poster Presentations / Journal of Hospital Infection 94S1 (2016) S24

