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ID: 4818

Educational programme for healthcare cleaning professionals

Tarja Kuutamo


, Irma Meriö-Hietaniemi


, Päivi Liljendahl





District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, HUS, Unit of Infection Control and

Hospital Epidemiology,


Hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa, HUS.

Unit of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology,


HUS, Hospital

Facility Maintenance and Institutional Hygiene Service


Patient infection safety in hospital entails that all health

care workers and associated personnel know how they can prevent

infections on daily basis. Changing environment, new technology and

employee turnover create a challenge to maintain the highest

standards of cleanliness and infection control requirements.


Hospital facility maintenance and institutional

hygiene service unit remarked that there is a need for a new team, that

has a wider knowledge and know-how on special cases in hospital

cleaning. The idea of the team is that it would take charge on situations

that require special expertise.


Infection control and Hospital epidemiology and Hospital

facility maintenance and institutional hygiene service units planned

together an educational program for Infection team. Identified

problem areas were handling of epidemic situations and difficulties

in isolations procedures.

The training included both theory and practical education. 24

healthcare cleaning professionals were chosen for the team in 2013.

All the chosen have had experience of several years

in institutional

cleaning and some had worked as a supervisor.


Infection team members described, that they need regular

education of basic elements on reducing infections. They also pointed

out need for education about personal protecive equipment, regarding

especially how to use them. Strengthening the basic skills on infection

prevention helped the healthcare cleaning professionals to take lead in

situations that required specific care. Infection team members also

educate their colleagues.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

The team members are motivated

and knowledgeable healthcare cleaning professionals and they are an

important part of infection prevention at Hospital District of Helsinki

and Uusimaa.

ID: 4892

Microbiology demand management of female genital samples

submitted for culture from primary care in NHS Grampian

Noha Elsakka, Isabel Cook, Tanzeel-Ur Rehman, Ian Gould.




A large number of female genital samples are submitted

to microbiology lab of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary every year.


A demandmanagement exercisewas undertaken

to endorse national guidelines regarding management and Lab

diagnosis of abnormal vaginal discharge.


An educational GP newsletter was issued in October 2011

explaining that high vaginal swabs in asymptomatic women should

not be sent for culture and highlighted the current guidelines. This was

followed by an audit of female genital samples submitted to the

microbiology lab for culture (01/01/2012

31/12/2012), which showed

that among 10192 samples received, 61% were culture negative.

Among positive samples 54% were positive for candida, and 31% for

mixed anaerobes. A further GP newsletter was issued advising that

clinical diagnosis of candida or bacterial vaginosis is not an indication

for testing, and patients should be treated empirically. A further

intervention was undertaken targeting eight GP practices with the

largest number of samples. An electronic decision support tool

was generated, including a list of clinical abstracts representing

common clinical scenarios; each was linked to a recommendation of

whether or not culture is indicated. A link to national guidelines was



Analysis showed 1248 samples were submitted during Sept-

Nov 2014, this was significantly reduced to 791 samples in Sep-Nov

2015 (


< 0.005, paired t-test) following introduction of the electronic


Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

The outcome represents a success-

ful targeted demand management exercise on culture of female

genital samples in NHS Grampian.

ID: 4902

The learning curve in hand hygiene technique

a multi-

institutional study

Tamás Haidegger


, Ákos Lehotsky


, Száva Bánsági


, Péter Róna



Péter Szerémy


, László Szilagyi









Hand-In-Scan Kft.,




The heritage of Semmelweis is the discovery of the

importance of hand hygiene during the medical care. Our study was

focused on the quality of hand rubbing, employing an innovative

imaging-based device, deriving the learning curve in hand rubbing,

measuring the time to achieve optimal performance.


A total of 168 health-care workers (HCW) were involved

from 3 Hungarian hospitals in an educational and training program,

during which repetitive computer-enhanced fluorescein trials were

conducted at 2

3 days intervals. Therewere 22 doctors,124 nurses and

22 other employees; 157 female versus 11 male, 158 right- vs. 10 left-

handed. Mean age was 40.5 years. HCWs were asked to perform hand

rubbing with a UV-dyed solution (on a voluntary bases), and received

instantaneous, objective visual feedback.


The rate of successful/failed performance (regarding com-

plete coverage) was evaluated. On the institution level, the failure rate

was 32

62%, 25

46%, and 12

14% at first, third, and fifth attempt,

respectively, with an average of 42%, 29% and 13%.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Digital evaluation and direct

feedback on the quality of hand rubbing can be used efficiently to

acquire the skills for proper hand hygiene. The collected data shows

that multiple training sessions are required to achieve the desired level

of quality.

ID: 4909

Implementing a coordinated response to rising numbers of

measles cases: lessons from a London hospital

Beatrice Cockbain


, Tehmina Bharucha


, Jennifer Hart



Ons El Hayet Ben Ismail


, Tabitha Mahungu


, Tanzina Haque



Dianne Irish




Royal Free Hospital,


Royal Free Hospitals NHS Trust


In April 2016, a measles outbreak was declared in

London, with 138 cases confirmed from January-June 2016 in the city:

12.3% at our hospital. Despite this growing caseload, there have been

delays in the recognition and diagnosis of measles by clinicians due to

lack of awareness and exposure.


To improve measles awareness in front-line

healthcare workers (HCWs).


The implementation of a measles awareness campaign

focussing on three main areas: assessing immunity in patients and

HCWs; recognition of the clinical presentation and infection control



Awareness posters were displayed in key areas including the

Emergency Department, Paediatrics and Medical Admissions Unit.

Posters gave information about the clinical presentation of measles

and necessary infection control measures. Informationwas also placed

on the hospital intranet homepage and immunisation awareness

messages were emailed to staff.

Teaching sessions for frontline HCWs, including a medical



presentation, focused on all three areas of the measles

awareness campaign. HCWs were urged to clarify their immune

status with occupational health and be vaccinated, if required. In

addition emphasis was put on early recognition and the prompt

respiratory isolation of suspected cases.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Successful infection control strat-

egies require HCWs to find them both relevant and understandable.

This measles awareness strategy was both: HCWs found teaching

Abstracts of FIS/HIS 2016

Poster Presentations / Journal of Hospital Infection 94S1 (2016) S24

