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ID: 4506

Application of novel outcome evaluation criteria to UK social

marketing campaigns focused on infections

Enrique Castro-Sanchez


, Michiyo Iwami


, Raheelah Ahmad



Alison Holmes




National Centre for Infection Prevention and

Management, Imperial College London,


Imperial College London


Social marketing interventions have been valuable in

addressing communicable diseases. Outcome evaluation is a critical

yet often excluded component of any intervention.


We applied a novel set of evaluation criteria to UK

social marketing campaigns focused on infections.


Campaigns active between 2001 and 2013 were identified

from literature and internet searches. Two researchers scored each

campaign on 13 areas including (1) Understanding of problem and

stakeholders; (2) Clear definition of outcome; (3)

A priori


of required change for long-term effect; (4) Clear theory/plausibility

of intervention mode of action; (5) Outcome measures that meet

stakeholder needs; (6) Impact measurement; (7) Acceptability and

sustainability; (8) Link between intervention and outcome; (9)

Competing factors; (10) Unpredicted effects from intervention; (11)

Evaluation strategy; (12) Economic analysis, and (13) Peer-reviewed

publication. Campaigns received 0, 1 or 2 points depending on how

well they conducted or reported on the indicators presented.


17 campaigns focusing on vaccination, sexual health, hand

hygiene and others were identified. Median score for all campaigns

was 14.2+/

2 (26 points maximum possible). Indicators 1 and 5 were

best described (score 26; 34 points maximum possible). The lowest

score (11) was achieved for indicator

Link between intervention and


. Indicators 3, 7, 10 and 12 were insufficiently or inadequately

reported in 88% of campaigns.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

UK social marketing campaigns

could improve their reporting of key outcome evaluation aspects.

Sustainability, economic evaluation and unintended effects of cam-

paigns require increased attention.

ID: 4517

Basal skull osteomyelitis: experience with OPAT and conservative


Brama Hanumunthadu, Aodhan Breathnach.

St. George

s University

Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Basal skull osteomyelitis is a challenging condition:

surgery risks serious morbidity and mortality; the optimum duration

of antibiotics is unknown. We have seen cases referred to the out-

patient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) service for conserva-

tive treatment.


We wished to determine complications on OPAT,

the duration of intravenous antibiotics, and overall treatment success.


Retrospective analysis of a clinical OPAT database from

2009 to 2016, with individual review of case notes.


We found six cases of basal skull osteomyelitis treated on the

OPAT service. Of these, 4/6 had a complication requiring admission:

1/4 antibiotic side effect; 1/4 line thrombosis; and 2/4 related to

worsening condition. Subsequently 3/4 were discharged back to

OPAT. The mean duration of antibiotics on OPAT was 44 days, mean

total IV antibiotic duration was 66 days and mean overall treatment

duration including oral antibiotics was 94 days. OPAT treatment

success, defined as completion of intended intravenous antibiotics

whilst on OPAT was 5/6. Overall treatment success, defined as

completion of intended intravenous (on OPAT and inpatient) and

subsequent oral antibiotics was 6/6. Of note, one case failed a twelve

week course of antibiotics but achieved success following a repeat

twelve week course of IV followed by twelve weeks of oral antibiotics.

Although all patients finished their intended course of antibiotics, 3/6

had ongoing morbidity including: hearing loss 2/3; and ear discharge

needing surgery 1/3.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

OPAT services can effectively

support the conservative management of basal skull osteomyelitis,

despite a high complication and re-admission rate.

ID: 4625

The devil is in the (clinical) details

Michael Addidle, Vani Sathyendran, Tim Taylor, Yvonne Peckover.

Pathlab, New Zealand


Baseline auditing demonstrated that the provision of

clinical details to the microbiology laboratory was very poor, despite

various educational efforts.

It was decided to trial a mandatory clinical details policy, starting with

infectious serology, and then extending into other areas of clinical


If the sample arrives at the laboratory without clinical details then it is

stored for a certain time period depending on type of sample, a

message is sent back to the requestor, and processing does not proceed

until clinical details are received.


The aimwas to have clinical details present on all

sampes coming into the microbiology laboratory for the following


To ensure that the correct tests are being performed.

To facilitate interpretation of of borderline results or results of

uncertain significance.

To allow further tests to be performed by the laboratory or be

recommended to the requestor for further consideration.

To ensure the test is performed for diagnostic reasons.


A thorough consultation process was carried out with all

laboratory stakeholders. This was followed by a lead-in period before

going live with the policy.

The details, exceptions and pitfalls of the policy will be described.


So far, negative feedback has been limited. Clinical details

are now received on the vast majority of requests, and unnecessary

testing has been reduced. Post implementation audits are being


Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

This is an important quality

initiative. The initial implementation was difficult, but the long term

quality benefits are very significant.

ID: 4692

Safe surgical hands in the operating theatre


improvement following a multi modal hand hygiene campaign



Fiona Smith, Karen Wares, Eleanor McLeod, Mark Higgins,

Elizabeth Irvine, Janet Mitchell, Angela Henderson.

NHS Grampian


Bacterial transmission in an operating room frompatient

to equipment and healthcare provider

s hands and even to the next

patient in the operating room has been associated with Healthcare

Associated Infection. Hand hygiene will interrupt transmission of

microbes between patients, healthcare workers and the inanimate

environment. In 2009 the Operating Theatre team asked the Infection

Prevention and Control Team for help implementing the World Health


s concept of

My five moments of hand hygiene



To embed the concept of

My five moments of

hand hygiene

in the Operating Department.


Direct observation was utilised by Infection Prevention

and Control Nurses in the operating room in 2009. This established

work flow of operating room staff to guide additional alcohol based

hand rub placement, and measure baseline hand hygiene compliance

rates using the World Health Organisation

s observation method.

Multidisciplinary operative staff interviews were undertaken in 2009

to establish training needs and understanding of

My 5 moments

for hand hygiene

. Infection Prevention and Control Nurses trained

Operating Theatre staff to hand hygiene audit within their own



A timeline will show a summary of the milestones demon-

strating the ongoing collaborative improvement work since 2009.

Abstracts of FIS/HIS 2016

Poster Presentations / Journal of Hospital Infection 94S1 (2016) S24

