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Page Background

We propose to perform an educational intervention targeting both

primary and secondary care settings. We will then re-audit to assess

the efficacy of our intervention.

ID: 5086

Intersectoral collaboration surrounding patients in need of

infection control measures

how do we do it?

Bente Bloch.

Hospital of Southern Jutland


Today the patient care in hospitals is highly specialised

and undertaken at high speed. Many patients receive complex

treatment and care, which often continues in the primary sector,

when the patient is discharged.


The aim of the study was to investigate and

analyse the intersectoral collaboration, to gain a better understanding

of the collaboration across health sectors in relation to the patient in

need of treatment/care where infection control plays an important



The study is a qualitative, multiple case study, where semi

structured interviews form the base of the empirical knowledge used.

The theory behind the study is the perspective on intersectoral

collaboration, examples of models of collaboration and the strength

and weaknesses of collaboration.


The study showed that the motivational factors for inter-

sectoral collaboration were: focus on organisation and structure in

the organisations, collaboration through networks, awareness of the

importance of clear communications paths and focus on the

professional competencies in relation to infection hygiene. A struc-

tured collaboration with the establishment of an actual infection

control organisation resulted in access to expert knowledge, security

among the personnel as well as motivation to work with infection

control as an area of focus.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Nosocomial infections in patients

transferring from one health sector to another can likely be prevented

by the introduction of knowledge of infection control to all levels of

personnel in the sectors, and by entering into a formalised collabor-

ation across the health sectors with the aim of establishing an

intersectoral infection control organization.

ID: 5091

Is the use of Octenidine wash the answer to zero acquisition of

Health-Care Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus

aureus (MRSA) bacteraemia?

Marietta Niala, Rohinton Mulla, Sue Fox.

Luton and Dunstable

University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Every year, Trusts in the National Health Service are

given certain Health Care associated infection targets to meet and

MRSA bacteraemia is one of them.


The aim of the audit was to determine if the use

of Octenidine Hydrochloride wash as prophylactic body wash had

made an impact on the zero acquisition target of Health Care

Associated MRSA bacteraemia for a year.


Since September 2015, Octenidine Hydrochloride body-

wash was introduced as a prophylactic body wash in the care of the

elderly wards and as part of an MRSA admission decolonisation

treatment on previous MRSA positive patients.

A trust wide audit was carried out from September 2014-August 2015

and September 2015-August 2016 to assess the effectiveness of the

prophylactic body wash.


A total of 239 patients were identified as MRSA positive in

September 2014-August 2015 while 117 patients were identified as

MRSA positive in September 2015-August 2016 following the

introduction of prophylactic Octenidine Hydrochloride on patients

admitted in the Care of the ElderlyWards and as part of decolonisation

admission treatment in patients previously MRSA positive. Since the

introduction of the prophylactic bodywash and the decolonisation

admission treatment in the previous MRSA positive patients, there has

been no further Health Care Associated MRSA bacteraemia.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

The introduction of Octenidine

Hydrochloride bodywash has made a significant impact in MRSA

general acquisition and to the zero acquisition target of Health Care

Associated MRSA bacteraemia in a District General Hospital.

ID: 5103

Use of ICNet for clinical microbiology record keeping

Rosemary Fok


, Cressida Auckland




Derriford Hospital, Plymouth

Hospitals NHS Trust,


Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust


Keeping clear clinical records is a necessity. Finding the

optimum method for recording clinical microbiology advice and

interaction with other healthcare professionals can be challenging,

especially if there is no electronic patient record or consultations take

place over the phone and away from the paper medical records.

Bespoke electronic solutions are often costly to implement. We trialled

the use of existing infection control surveillance software for the

keeping of clinical microbiology records.


To trial the use of ICNet for clinical microbiology

record keeping.


ICNet infection control surveillance software was already

in use in the trust. We worked with ICNet to develop aspects of the

software to suit our clinical microbiology record keeping needs. We

replaced our existing method of record keeping with ICNet.

ID: 5124

Leptospirosis serological testing and clinical features: a

retrospective Scottish single-centre study

Clark Russell


, Michael E. Jones


, Daire T. O



, Kenneth J. Simpson



Ian F. Laurenson




NHS Lothian,


HealthLink360, Musselburgh,



Infectious Diseases Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh,



Liver Transplantation Unit, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,


Clinical Microbiology, Laboratory Medicine, Royal Infirmary of

Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK


Leptospirosis is a zoonotic infection occurring world-

wide but is endemic in tropical countries. The clinical presentation is

heterogeneous, ranging from an undifferentiated febrile illness to


s disease

. Serological testing is the main diagnostic modality.


To review serological testing for Leptospirosis at

our institution over a 10-year period and describe the clinical features

of cases.


We identified patients from two tertiary care hospitals in

Edinburgh, United Kingdom, who had samples sent to a Public

Health England reference laboratory for Leptospirosis testing between


2016. Clinical, laboratory and microbiological information on

cases was collected retrospectively. Complete details were unavailable

for four cases.


480 samples were sent for Leptospirosis IgM ELISA testing:

450 were negative, 26 were positive and four were equivocal.

There was no temporal trend to testing. The positive results came

from 14 patients with a median age of 26 years. Nine cases were

imported, mostly from Asia and with a history of fresh water exposure.

Patients presented with non-specific symptoms: fever (10/11);

myalgia (8/11); gastrointestinal symptoms (8/11); and headache

(7/11). Laboratory evidence of hepatitis (8/10), acute kidney injury

(5/10) and lymphopenia (8/10) was common. One patient developed


s disease

with multi-organ failure. Antimicrobials were admi-

nistered in seven cases, usually doxycycline (5/7). There were no


Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Leptospirosis is an uncommon

infection in Scotland. Most cases are imported, in contrast to recent

UK-wide data, and this may be attributable to the Scottish climate. The

clinical presentation is protean and mild hepato-renal involvement

is common even in the absence of organ failure.

Abstracts of FIS/HIS 2016

Poster Presentations / Journal of Hospital Infection 94S1 (2016) S24

