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Using a murine model of immunisation and challenge with

LCMV, we demonstrated robust virologic protection with these


Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

These data provide an important

insight into the nature of adenoviral vector vaccination, and the

potential for minimal epitope-insert adenovector vaccines. This is

particularly of relevance in the setting of current novel adenoviral

vaccines against pathogens such as Ebola, Malaria and RSV.

ID: 4763

Hepatitis B vaccination in HIVoutpatients

are the updated British

HIVAssociation guidelines being adhered to?

Ayoma Ratnappuli


, Monica Desai


, Charles Lacey




YorSexual Health,


YorSexual Health and York University


Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccination is safe and well tolerated

in HIV positive patients and significantly reduces risk of both new and

chronic infection. National vaccination guidelines were updated in

November 2015 recommending several changes to vaccination

practice such as the dose of vaccine given, number of vaccines per

schedule and time to assess response to vaccination. Few studies of

adherence to vaccination guidelines exist and we know of none which

relate to the updated guidelines.


To evaluate adherence to the updated BHIVA

Hepatitis B vaccination guidelines within an HIV outpatient services.


A retrospective case note review auditing HBV vaccination

practice in patients attending HIV out-patient clinic at Yorsexual

Health between December 2015

May 2016.


156 patients attended clinic within the audit period. 90% of

patients were screened within a month of HIV diagnosis and 83% had

HBV infection and immunity screened for within the last year. The

majority of the cohort were HBV immune (81%) and of the non

immune 55% were vaccine naive. All vaccine naive patients were

offered primary vaccination with a 92% uptake. However vaccination

practice had several flaws themost common being incorrect number of

doses per primary schedule.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

There are several gaps in vaccin-

ation practice when compared to national guidelines. Although

primary vaccination is offered according to BHIVA guidelines,

updated recommendations such as dose of vaccine and most notably

number of vaccines in vaccination schedule are not being met. In

addition non-responders to primary vaccination are not being

managed effectively.

ID: 4850

Attitudes of healthcare staff influencing the uptake of influenza


Muthu Saba


, Eleanor Mc Namara




Cherry Orchard Hospital, Health

Service Executive (HSE),


Consultant Microbiologist Cherry Orchard

Hospital, Health Service Executive


Irish and international guidelines recommend annual

influenza vaccination of all healthcare workers(HCWs) to protect

themselves and to reduce the risk of transmission from HCWs to

patients. However, vaccine uptake among HCWs is below the national

target (40%).


To identify the attitudes and beliefs of HCWs towards influenza

vaccine and their influence on vaccine uptake.


Study Design: A qualitative retrospective systematic review.

Electronic data sources reviewed: These included CINAHL, Medline,

Embase, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO and PubMed (2000

2015). The

search was performed using defined MeSH terms and keywords.

Studies related to influenza vaccination on patients were excluded.


Filtering of 289 studies resulted in 18 studies that fulfilled the

study criteria. 4 descriptive themes for declining vaccination emerged

(a) Misconceptions about influenza vaccine, (b) Fear of adverse

reactions, (c) Doubts about vaccine efficacy and (d) Perceived

minimal personal health risk from influenza. These were balanced

by 4 descriptive themes for accepting the vaccine, which were (a)

Personal benefit (b) Patient benefit (c) Protect the HCW

s family and

(d) Professional responsibility as a HCW.

From these 8 descriptive themes, four key analytical themes emerged.

Two were negative based on (1) Issues with the vaccine and (2) HCWs

perception on personal health risk. However two were positive based

on (1) the benefits of vaccination and (2) the role of a HCW.


Influenza vaccine uptake by HCWs is influenced by

complex factors. Identification of these beliefs and attitudes could be

used to impact positively on future influenza vaccine campaign for


ID: 4854

Varicella immunisation in healthcare workers in a large London

teaching hospital

Ons El Hayet Ben Ismail, Tabitha Mahungu, Joan Adeniji, Dianne Irish.

Royal Free NHS Trust


Varicella (chickenpox) is an acute, highly infectious

disease caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV).

In 2003, the Department of Health (DoH) recommended that non-

immune healthcare workers (HCWs) should receive varicella vaccine.

HCWs with a negative or uncertain history of chickenpox or shingles

should be serologically tested and a full course of VZV vaccine offered

only to those without VZV antibody.


To determine the uptake of VZV vaccination in

HCWs in a large London teaching hospital.


A retrospective review of all the HCWs tested for VZV IgG

between 01/01/2011 to 31/012/2015 was performed.


3456/3630 (95%) HCWs tested for VZV IgG antibody were

positive. 152/3630 (4%) were negative and 22/3630 (1%) were


75/174 (43%) of the susceptible HCWs received 2 doses of VZV

vaccination. 20/174 (11%) received only one dose and 79/174 (45%) did

not receive any doses.

Data from the 58/99 susceptible HCWs who did not receive the full

course show: 6 had health reasons, 16 declined and 36 had left the


Of the non-immune HCWs, demographic data was available for

140/174: 60/140 (43%) were allied health professionals, 45/140 (32%)

were nurses, 24/140 (17%) were doctors and 11/140 (8%) were

administration Staff.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Ongoing education of healthcare

workers by Occupational Health departments and increased aware-

ness of the importance of varicella vaccination are necessary for

improved uptake by health care workers.

ID: 4907

Seroprevalence of pertussis, diphtheria and poliovirus antibodies

among healthcare personnel in Singapore

Helen Oh, Subbiah Dnamodaran.

Changi General Hospital


Immunization against diphtheria, poliomyelitis and per-

tussis was initiated in 1938, 1958 and 1959 respectively in Singapore.


The aim of the study was to examine the pre-

valence of pertussis, diphtheria and poliovirus antibodies in health-

care personnel in Changi General Hospital.


Annual health screening of healthcare personnel in Changi

General Hospital was conducted in September 2014. Residual sera

from health care personnel were collected. Human IgG antibodies

against Bordetella pertussis, diphtheria toxoid and poliovirus (all

3 serotypes simultaneously) were measured using enzyme-linked

immunosorbent assays.


A total of 352 healthcare personnel were recruited; 150

healthcare personnel in 21

30 age group, 150 in 31

40 age groups and

52 personnel in above 40 age group.

The seroprevalence of antibodies against all 3 serotype of poliovirus

was 68.47% (95% CI 63.4

73.1%). It decreased significantly with age

from94% in 21

30 age group, 60% in 31

40 age group and 19.23% above

Abstracts of FIS/HIS 2016

Poster Presentations / Journal of Hospital Infection 94S1 (2016) S24

