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Page Background

40 age group (P = 1.05). The presence of pertussis antibodies was

demonstrated in only 38.06% of the healthcare personnel (95% CI 33.2

43.2%). The seroprevalence decreased from 44.6% in 21

30 age group,

to 36% in 31

40 age group and 25% in above 40 age group (P = 0.026).

The seroprevalence of diphtheria was found in 93.75% of healthcare

personnel (95% CI 0.7

95.8%) and increased above 90% in all 3 age


Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Waning immunity against polio-

virus beginning at age 30 was demonstrated. A significant proportion

of healthcare personnel lacked immunity against pertussis. Routine

pertussis and polio boosters should be given to healthcare personnel

to ensure sustained immunity against these diseases.

ID: 5080

Fever in preterm neonates receiving Bexsero


immunisation on a

Tertiary Neonatal Unit

Hannah Davies, Laura Hyrapetian, Donovan Duffy.

St Georges Hospital

NHS Foundation Trust


On 1st September 2015, the United Kingdombecame the

first country to integrate Bexsero


, a vaccine against meningococcal

group B into the national immunisation schedule. This vaccine is

associated with higher rates of fever when given alongside routine

immunisations compared to routine immunisations alone (51


versus 23% respectively). Public Health England have recommended

the administration of prophylactic paracetamol to all infants receiving

this vaccine in order to decrease unnecessary General Practice or

Accident & Emergency attendances, alleviate parental concern and

distress for the child. There are no data available regarding the

incidence of fever in preterm neonates receiving this vaccine or

recommendations on prophylactic paracetamol specific to preterm



The aim was to monitor the response to

immunisation in this vulnerable population.


We prospectively collected data on all preterm neonates

receiving Bexsero


vaccine on a tertiary neonatal unit. We recorded

the incidence of fever and other adverse events in the 48 hours

following immunisation.


Between September 15 and July 16, 38 infants were

immunised. The gestational age at birth ranged between 23 + 2 and

36 + 3, with a median age of 26 weeks. They were immunised at a

median age of 10 weeks. One infant (2.6%) developed fever >38

degress in the 48 hours post-immunisation. Other significant events

that occured post immunisation were repiratory deterioration in 2

infants (5.3%) and suspected sepsis in 4 infants (10.5%).

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

The incidence of fever greater than

38 degrees was significantly lower in our cohort of preterm infants

than in term infants immunised with Bexsero



ID: 5087

What do Lebanese women know about cervical cancer and

human papilloma virus? A report on awareness level in urban


Jacques Choucair


, Sarah Abboud




Hotel Dieu De France Saint Joseph

University Beirut,


Hotel Dieu De France, Saint Joseph University


Few know about HPV and cervical cancer.


To evaluate the knowledge of Lebanese

women about cervical cancer

s symptoms and risk factors and

human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. To measure the uptake of

the cervical cancer screening test (Pap smear) and that of HPV



444 women residing in Beirut and Mount-Lebanon, with

no medical background, filled out a 32 item questionnaire about

cervical cancer and HPV. Collected data was exported to and analyzed



v. 21.0.


Most participants were young (45.7% aged 18

25), residing

in Mount-Lebanon (51.8%), Christian (50.7%), single (49.3%), with

high education qualifications (73.9%) and currently employed

(49.1%) in a field not related to health (84.9%). 64.6% did not

visit a general physician nor a gynecologist regularly. 85.6% were

aware of cervical cancer. 53.9% correctly identified HPV infection

involvement in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. 35.6% were

aware of HPV infection but 80.4% believed their information was


37.6% of participants had been screened by Pap smear for cervical

cancer at least once in their lives whereas 9% did not know what a Pap

smear was. Screening was significantly associated with cervical cancer

awareness and regular visits to general health physicians and

gynecologists. 11.7% of participants aged 18

35 were vaccinated

against HPV. Vaccination uptake was significantly associated with

cervical cancer awareness, religion, field of work and studies, and

regular visits to gynecologists.

Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

Urban Lebanese women are not

well informed about cervical cancer and HPV. Screening by Pap smear

and HPV vaccination uptakes are non-satisfactory.

Topic: Outbreaks

ID: 4378

Strengthening early warning and surveillance in emerging threat

and epidemics preparedness and intelligent response in sub Sahara


Ernest Tambo


, Oluwasogo Olalubi


, Ahmed Adedeji



Jeanne Y. Ngogang




Department Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical

Sciences, Higher Institute of Health Sciences,


Department of Public

Health, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria;


Department of

Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Kampala international University,

Kampala, Uganda;


Service de Biochimie, Center Hospitalier Universitaire,

Yaoundé, Cameroon


The severity and impacts of Ebola and Zika viral diseases

emerging epidemics public health threat of international concern in

low and middle income countries has been echoed. The gravity and

dangers of the lack of local and international functioning emergency

preparedness and smart response actions remain of concern to African

citizenry and the global community.


The paper examines research and knowledge

gaps in strengthening early warning and surveillance strategies in

emerging threat and epidemics preparedness and intelligent response

in sub-Sahara Africa.


A systematic and quasi-explorative method was used to

assess relevant peer-review literature on emerging Zika and Ebola

threats and epidemics gaps in preparedness and emergency response

in Africa continent.


Our findings showed that the unprecedented Ebola and

Zika epidemics gaps and consequences on population health and

economy have thought us the value of establishing and sustaining

local and national robust and reliable capacities and mechanisms

to deal with evolving and future crisis. Hence, adequate partner-

ships in commitment and financial investment in scaling up

operational research and R&D is imperative. Novel, more sensitive

and rapid diagnosis, development of effective and safe Zika and Ebola

treatment and vaccines, but also contextual early warning and

surveillance strategies in evidence-based community alertness and

education, engagement and participation, and coordinated efficient

utilization of local and international assistance in smart response are


Discussion and/or Conclusion(s):

The paper provides practical and

programmatic recommendations in improving strategic early warning

and surveillance strategies integration and alignment of local and


One health

strategy priorities and programs in sub-Sahara


Abstracts of FIS/HIS 2016

Poster Presentations / Journal of Hospital Infection 94S1 (2016) S24

